friendships matter

Thursday, March 30, 2006

shopping and friends

Yesterday a friend and I went thrift store shopping. It was neat to see how God helped me to find things that my family needed and it was really nice to do it with a dear friend!!! She has been such a tremendous blessing to me. The other week she helped me cut out a dress and even sewed part of it to give me a boost. I was ready to wear it for church this past Sunday but had to stay home because I had pink eye for the second time!!!! Pink eye is not fun...I like to wear contacts but when you have that you can't. Anyways it was nice to get out with a friend yesterday. Took my 2 preschoolers along and in the process my youngest lost one of his favorite stuffed animals. Wasn't sure just what would come out of it but so far he has took it quite well. Last night at bedtime he was so tired he didn't think about it most likely plus I had already told him it was bye-bye at a store. He doesn't like ladybugs and right now they are crawling out of the cracks and he is absolutely afraid of them. So he hasn't really liked sleeping in his bed--it doesn't feel safe after seeing ladybugs in the room I guess. So last night he fell asleep on the floor and I carried him to bed. To all of you dear friends out there I love each one of you and enjoy reading your posts.


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